Father’s Day is finally here, and it’s time to celebrate the amazing father figures in our lives! Fathers hold a special place in our hearts, whether they taught us how to drive, change a tire, or change our oil. We wanted to take a moment to highlight some members of our Belltech team and our extended family.
Sean S.

The team met Sean and his family through the Belltech calendar contest, and he quickly became a part of our extended Belltech family. Here is a bit of what the day means to him:
From what I’ve been told by my parents, I’ve basically been a car guy since birth. It wasn’t, however, until the birth of my own two children, Ava (15) and Ian (12), that I became a totally different type of car guy, I became a car Dad.
Being a car Dad, I started Ava and Ian off right, we went to car shows, races, and I assisted them in amassing proper Hot Wheels collections. My daughter liked cars for quite a while when she was younger, and now that she’s a teen, loves the thought of soon having her own car (did I hear her say OBS Chevy Dad?), but my son Ian is a whole different story, that boy is obsessed like his old man.
As he’s gotten older, Ian and I are a team now. Whenever there is a race, a show, a new project car to obsess over…Ian is always there with me enjoying the hobby, making plans, and meeting new people. In fact, I can’t imagine going or doing any of it without him, it just doesn’t feel right unless he’s there with me having fun too. Luckily, Ian’s passion for the hobby already runs deep, and he’s always ready to take our mini truck to shows, work on our Datsun wagon, or talking his Dad into running ridiculous amounts of camber because “it looks dope Dad.”
So yeah, being a car guy has always been a part of me, but now being a “car Dad” has become the biggest part of me for sure. Happy Father’s Day to all the car Dads out there!
Sarah S.
Our very own Sarah and her dad, Scott’s Belltech roots, run deep. Scott quickly became an integral part of our development, allowing us to use his OBS for our latest kit release, and we couldn’t thank him enough. Here are some words from Sarah herself about her dad:
My earliest memory is probably around 3 years old, and my dad had this old school 66’ Chevy cream-colored step-side parked in front of the house. From then on there were always trucks rotating in my dad’s collection. Growing up by the coast, we often went to truck and car shows together. He taught me the basics growing up, and eventually, his passion rubbed off on me. I was 16 when I bought my first car, a 98’ Honda Civic EX, and since then, I have rotated through a few myself, just like my dad.
One of my favorite highlights of our relationship was taking my dad to SEMA last year. Being able to share that together seeing able to see these companies that had such an impact on my upbringing and our relationship, and being able to give my dad this unique opportunity that not many people get to experience was a fond memory. I am thankful that he instilled his passion for the industry because, in the end, it’s brought me to where I am today.
Noel R.

When our team member Noel was asked to share his legacy story, he jumped at the chance. Noel and his daughter Natrina are two peas in a pod, and he shares a bit about what being a dad means to him and passing on the keys to his beloved Belltech-equipped truck:
I bought the truck in 2006 and put a set of Belltech drop spindles and a shackle hanger kit in the rear. I fully customized the truck with TV screens so my daughter Natrina could still watch her cartoons. As the years progressed and road trips and memories passed, she grew to love the truck because of the fun times she and I shared.
Once she turned 14, I knew it was time, so I started to teach her how to drive in that truck, and I just knew that if she held her end of the bargain and stayed focused and finished school, the truck would one day be hers. Once she turned 20, I felt she was ready to be handed over the keys. It makes me so proud to say that she can continue my legacy with this truck and is already adding her custom touches.
Our team expresses gratitude for the remarkable dads and father figures who have touched our lives in countless ways.
Happy Father’s Day from the team at Belltech!